When you attend a massage, whether it is for a specific complaint or general relaxation, the massage therapist will advise you on the best post-massage care. Stretching your muscles between massage sessions will benefit your body and recovery process and help you get the very best results.
Why stretch between massage sessions?
After your mobile massage therapist has visited you in your home, workplace or another convenient location and carried out a massage, you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated. The therapist will offer some guidance for post-massage care, which usually includes drinking lots of water, eating, taking a bath and stretching.
With a Deep Tissue Massage, your muscle fibers are realigned and toxins are released from the muscles. Stretching can help to maintain the realignment and improve proper muscle recovery therefore reducing post massage muscle pain. Sometimes your muscles can feel sore a day or two after a massage and this is because, as relaxing as it may feel, massage is a form of passive exercise.
If you are new to exercise, you may experience Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). The soreness usually fades after a few treatments, but even at the start, stretching can speed up the healing process. If the muscle soreness is too painful or lasts for a long time, it may be worth checking in with your therapist for advice, but otherwise, it is completely normal to experience some discomfort.
During the massage, your therapist can get a good idea of your ‘problem areas,’ perhaps caused by stress or anxiety. He or she can then advise you on stretches which may reduce tension to these areas, stimulate weak areas or re-align and re-educate the body and posture.
Benefits of stretching
Stretching improves circulation, flow and achieving a healthy heart. It helps realign the body and improve posture and range of movement, while letting go of tension you hold in certain areas, through stress etc. It allows you to take in more oxygen into your body.
Often prevention is the best treatment. It is recommended to have regular massage sessions to help you feel good and escape the many anxieties of daily life. Having a mobile massage therapist come to your own home or workplace regularly can help boost a healthy lifestyle.
A qualified therapist will be able to advise you on how best to stretch your body between sessions, simple and safe stretches to perform, and how to avoid over-stretching and injury. Stretching works hand in hand with massage. A good, regular stretch helps strengthen the body, improve flexibility and prevents injury.