Strained muscles are among the most common of sporting injuries, and depending upon the severity, can sideline you for weeks. This can be especially problematic if the season is just starting and you miss out on participating in your usual position, giving another...
Undoubtedly, even in mankind’s earliest days, some of the people suffered from RSIs (Repetitive Strain Injuries); a woman sewing skins into clothing or a man throwing a spear at what he hoped would be dinner would be subject to the same kind of injuries that we see...
If you love playing football, you’re probably well acquainted with hamstring injuries – either having experienced them yourself or had a team mate down with them. Hamstring muscle injuries are actually the most common that AFL players will experience, and on average,...
While hamstring injuries head the list for the most common reasons you’ll be sidelined, knee injuries are a close second. Considering the punishment your knees will take during a game, it’s hardly surprising that so many players suffer from knee pain. During a match,...
Regardless of whether you’ll be participating in a local match or the AFL, you still will want to be able to perform at your peak for Football. However, there is more to preparing for the next match than just going out and practicing with a football: your body and...