Have you wondered how in the heck will you choose a massage therapist? What do I ask them? How do I know if I’m picking the right massage therapist? Can I shop only on price? Well, if you’ve been following my previous blogs you would’ve seen the first 2 important...
Among the most common of tennis injuries are those to the back. Which is not surprising when you consider the twisting, turning, and arm movements required for a successful game. While pain can be anywhere in the back from tennis, it is usually found in the lower...
Patellar Tendonitis (kneecap pain), what is it? Your kneecaps are important parts of that complex system of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and meniscus pads making up your knee joints. While it may seem that your kneecap serves no other function than just providing a...
Whether you cycle for fun, exercise, or competitively, the problem of lower back pain can manifest itself and make you avoid your favourite sport. Cycling provides many benefits for those who like to ‘saddle up’, but back problems can arise from a number of issues....
While casual cyclists may escape the worst of neck pain and back pain, serious, competitive cyclists will be well familiar with these conditions. A combination of sometimes challenging road conditions, inadequately conformed bicycle, and incorrect posture can all...
Tennis elbow is probably the most famous, or infamous, injury associated with tennis and one of the most common. The technical term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis. In actuality, it’s not just the elbow joint that contributes to this condition, but also...